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Soman-Faulkner, K., Torres, F., Hwang, B., de Julio, A., Caban-Aleman, C., Cooper, R., Yarnell-Mac Grory, S. (2021). “Effects of Climate Change in Community Psychiatry.” Chapter submitted for publication. Textbook of Community Psychiatry [sections on The Disparate Impact of Global Climate Change on the Mental Health of Minority Populations and on Global Warming and Criminality].
Brainch, N., Virani, S., Torres, F., Bodic, M., Zaveri, D. (2019). A Case of Psychosis and Dissociation in a 38-Year-Old Woman. Psychiatric Annals 49(8): 369-372.
Virani, S., Aoun, E.G., Torres, F., Genova, N., Brainch, N., Albuquerque Gomes, C., Ahmed, S., Hurley, B., Bazzi, L. (2018, September). Decoding New York State’s Prescription Monitoring Program. Psychiatric Services 69(9): 956-958.
Torres, Felix E. "Help-Seeking Behavior and Access to Mental Health Care." The American Latino: Psychodynamic Perspectives on Culture and Mental Health Issues. Ed. Salman Akhtar and Solange Margery Bertoglia. New York: Rowman & Littlefield, 2015.
Torres, Felix E.; Watson, Clarence. "A Mentally Ill Alien’s Challenge to Removal from the United States Under the Convention Against Torture." Legal Digest Commentary on Villegas v. Mukasey 523 F.3d 984 (9th Cir. 2008). Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law 37: 413-415, 2009.
Building Advocacy into Your Career as a Physician
(Panelist, Mental Health Policy & Advocacy in Action (Selective Didactic Seminar) at UT Health San Antonio, Psychiatry Residency Program, San Antonio, TX on August 17, 2021)
Collaboration Across the Continuum of Forensic Care & Services in the State of Texas
(Panelist, Texas Criminal Defense Lawyers Association “Lunch and Learn” on March 29, 2021)
Beyond the Binary: LGBTQIA+ Mental Health & Policy
(Convener/Panelist, United Nations NGO Committee on Mental Health's Program on LGBTQIA+ Mental Health in New York, NY on June 10, 2021)
Through the Looking Glass: Lessons Learned on the Campaign Trail and Exploring the Future of APA Elections
(Convener/Panelist, American Psychiatric Association On Demand 2021 platform)
Labor of Love: A Gay Couple’s Surrogacy “Journey” – Myths & Facts
(Convener/Panelist, American Psychiatric Association On Demand 2020 platform)
Telehealth in the COVID-19 Era
(Panelist, United Nations NGO Committee on Mental Health's Program on Refugee/Migrant Mental Health in New York, NY on April 30, 2020)
Climate Change and Mental Health
(Moderator/Panelist, PsychSummit on January 15, 2020)
ECT Over Objection: Clinical, Legal and Ethical Challenges
(Convener/Panelist, Grand Rounds at Maimonides Medical Center in Brooklyn, NY on January 16, 2019)
Management of Severe Agitation in Emergency Room Settings: Establishing Code White
(Poster Presentation, 2018 Annual Meeting of the American Psychiatric Association in New York, NY on May 8, 2018)
Schizophrenia with Dissociative Episodes versus Dissociative Identity Disorder: Case Report
(Poster Presentation, 2018 Annual Meeting of the American Psychiatric Association in New York, NY on May 7, 2018)
Morbidity and Mortality: An Inpatient Disappearance after Discharge
(Convener/Panelist, Grand Rounds at Maimonides Medical Center in Brooklyn, NY on January 11, 2017)
Decoding New York State's Prescription Monitoring Program
(Poster Presentation, 47th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law in Portland, OR on October 28, 2016)
Forensic Aspects of Psychosocial & Mental Disabilities
(Panelist, United Nations' 8th Session of the Conference of States Parties to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in New York, NY on June 11, 2015)
Spiritual or Psychotic?: Culture and Forensic Psychiatry
(Panelist, 45th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law in Chicago, IL on October 26, 2014)
DSM-5 Primer for Mental Health Professionals
Landmark Mental Health Cases
Treatment Planning 101: A Guide for Mental Health Clinicians
Overcoming Stigma: Psychoeducation for Patients
Behind the Shadows: Stalking in the United States
Basic Law Primer for Mental Health Professionals
Criminal Competencies: Am I Fit to Proceed?
Accuracy in the Assessment of Competence to Stand Trial
The Insanity Defense: Beyond the Wild Beast
Civil Competencies: Am I Competent to…?
Civil Commitment
Confidentiality and Privilege: Tarasoff and Beyond
Violence Risk Assessment
Suicide Risk Assessment
Sex Offense Laws
Malingering and Symptom Amplification
Psychiatric Disability
Forensic Psychiatry Didactic Series
Death Penalty
Culture-Bound Syndromes in the Latino Population
Help-Seeking Behavior and Challenges in the Access to Mental Health Care in the Latino Population
Improving Customer Service in the Outpatient Mental Health Setting
Somatoform Disorders
Mood Disorders
Risks of Poly-Pharmacy and Medication Interactions
Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs) and Serotonin Syndrome
Treatment of Psychosis in a Pregnant, Hearing-Impaired, and Mentally Retarded Woman: A Case Conference
Club Drugs
Forgive and Forget: Guilt, Repression and Depression